Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Eyecare For Infants

The importance of eye care for infants was brought to our communities attention in May of 2007 when 10 month old Tatum Fisher, the daughter of then Utah Jazz Guard Derek Fisher, was diagnosed with retinoblastoma. Retinoblastoma is a form of cancer which most often affects children and infants. It starts in the eye and can cause death but with early diagnosis and treatment most children affected live long and happy lives. I think the whole state watched and prayed for this family as this drama played out and Tatum was one of the lucky ones.

I am grateful that in 10 years of examining peoples I have never had to tell parents that there child is facing such a situation but these conditions do happen and need to be caught early. I see individuals every week whose vision and lives would be better if the would have had eye care at an early age. Eye conditions such as hyperopia(see article in this blog), amblyopia and astigmatism while not life threatening can limit vision and learning and cause eyes to turn or become lazy. If not caught early these conditions and there visual consequences can be permanent.

To help ensure that eye care is received at an early age the American Optometric Association(AOA) has started a program to provide infants between the ages of 6-12 months with eye exams at no cost. The program is called Infantsee and there are thousands of participating optometrists across the nation. In an Infantsee exam babies are checked to make sure that their eyes are healthy and that there are no conditions which will limit there vision or learning potential. We at Advanced Family Eyecare are thrilled to be participating in this program and hope that all parents will take advantage of this opportunity to make sure their infants eyes are ready for life.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Reduce Your Risk For Macular Degeration

As an eye doctor I have learned that the two words that seem to be the most terrifying to my more mature patients are Macular Degeneration. These words strike fear into these patients because they have seen friends, family members and spouses lose vision and independence to this disease. I am always asked the question, "How can I prevent it?" I have never had really a great answer. Don't smoke is the best way but beyond that we had very little to offer. Eat right and protect your eyes from UV rays were things we thought were helpful but we did not have proof. The Age-Related Eye Disease Study(AREDS), which was concluded in October 2001, gave use guidance on what could help those who already had the disease but we had very little that guided us in how to prevent it.

The Woman's Antioxidant and Folic Acid Cardiovascular Study provides us with great information which changes that. In an article released in the February 23, 2009 edition of the Archives of Internal Medicine, results from that study found that daily supplementation with folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, over a seven year period, reduced the risk of having visually significant macular degeneration(visual loss from macular degeneration) by 41%. While this study involved only women it will most likely hold true for men as well. USA Today also produced a nice article on this topic. This study was well designed and will significantly impact how I advise my patients in the future.

Ed Hardy Sunglasses Are Here

When we went to the Vision Expo in Las Vegas last fall, right in the center of the exibit hall was a huge display with people just literally lined up all the way around it. As we were standing there a woman walked by us wearing an amazing pair of sunglasses. As she passed I noticed how all eye were on her. Megan informed me she was a Kim Kardashian. To be honest, I still don't know who she. Her sunglasses were stunning however. She walked into the display and I then figured out she was there to sign autographs. The booth was for Ed Hardy Eyewear. I learned then that this stuff is a big deal in the world of high fashion.

We have them. The hottest thing in high fashion sunwear. What all the big names are wearing. They really are beautiful. I was truely impressed when I saw them. My wife loves them. We are excited about them and would love you to come see them. Through the month of May we will be offering them at 20% off so you can get great fashion at a great value. We will also be featuring them at the What Women Want show in May where we will have the entire line. Come see them at our office or at the show.